Approaching an entire year of playing the rice card.

Appropriations Department

A friend of Sleeping Horse Pills suggested a page where you can view all of the SHP images I've created using existing artwork or logos.
Appropriating artwork and Copyright Laws have been an issue since the dawn of time.  There is no doubt that some caveman got upset and clubbed somebody for copying his depiction of a bull on a cave wall in Lascaux.
Federal Copyright Law is about as vague as the FCC's (the other government office recently discussed in "Sticks and Stones Motherfucker") guidelines for indecency.
Is it Fair Use, Public Domain or Copyrighted?  Who is able to claim "intellectual property" for all the shit that's flooding the internet these days?
Well, I'm not gonna bore you with all the fucking doublespeak and Mumbo Jumbo that can be found on the Federal Copyright website.
Instead, check out these cool images appropriated for the Sleeping Horse Pills publication and the enjoyment of its readers and you be the judge.